Exploring Australia



The Elsey National Park covers 13,840 hectares. Bitter Springs and Rainbow Springs Thermal Pools are fed by spring water rising from underground at 30.5 million litres per day, at a tepid 34 degrees Celsius. Palm forests surround the pools.

During the dry season (April to September) the Roper River meanders slowly and then tumbles over rocks and tufu dams at Mataranka Falls. In the wet, the river becomes a raging torrent on its way to the sea. There is a boat ramp at 12 Mile. (Outboard motor sizes are limited to a maximum of 15hp)

Agile wallabies and birdlife are prolific and fruit bats visit the area seasonally. Small reddish brown termite mounds dot the area.

Picnic areas with tables, wood barbecues and toilets are provided at Bitter Springs, 12 Mile Yards, Mulurark and 4 Mile. Camping areas are provided at 12 Mile (small fee). Collect wood from elsewhere before arrival. Canoes can be hired at Mataranka Homestead and Julmurark Campground.

Walking trails in the park have interpretative signage on how long the walk takes (approximate) with scenery, vegetation and wildlife you are likely to see. Some places have cultural and historic significance too.

The park is accessed via Mataranka Homestead, Bitter Springs and 12 Mile.

No pets, firearms or fishing nets.
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