Exploring Australia


If you enjoy eating Oysters, and would like to try one just harvested from the ocean,
or wondered how they grow and get from the sea to your plate,
you can find out on a tour of our working oyster shed.

See how the spat (baby oyster) grader works.

Find out about the life-cycle of oysters and how we work the lease.

See how the original tumble grader works.

Watch a demonstration of the automated grading system, designed in Australia. This machine counts and grades oysters in a split second!

Inventor Peter Johannsen had an idea to use state of the art technology to assist the oyster industry. With the backing of a few dedicated oyster growers, the machine came to fruition. These machines now save hours of work for oyster farmers all over Australia.

Peter's father Kurt Johannsen, known as the "Son of the Red Centre" invented the self tracking mechanism for road trains. It is still in use today.

You will have the opportunity to taste a suculent Streaky Bay oyster.
Fresh oysters are available for sale.

Casual oyster sales at door: 
    Phone 8626 1282 or 0429 862 612

TOURS: Tues. Wed, Fri at 11.30am  (large groups by appointment)
Cost: $10 adults, $8 concession $5 child
Booking essential at Rural Transaction Centre or Visitor Centre

Casual Oyster Sales at Door: Phone 8626 1282 or 0429 862 612
Email evansoysters@internode.on.au

Tour Bookings:
Phone (08) 8626 7033