
Tanderra Craft Village, the largest village market in SA, provides an outlet for handcrafts, a tourist attraction for Whyalla and a gathering place for the community.
The converted Singlemen’s Quarters comes to life on the last weekend of every month. A huge variety of handcrafts is on display and for sale including pottery, jewellery, knits, sewing, wooden crafts, weaving and spinning. Plants are for sale and unusual crafts like handmade paper. The tearoom serves hot and cold drinks and delicious freshly baked food.
The Tanderra Single Men’s Quarters Museum and Steel Cap Gallery is of interest. The hostel, opened in 1942, replaced the old tent city. Each room had a bed, desk, chair and wardrobe. No pictures, electrical appliances or pets were permitted. The great Australian tradition of “Two Up” was played each pay fortnight. Lookouts were posted to warn of the approach of security guards and after a few close calls, the game was relocacted to the Quarries.
Converting the disused BHP single men’s quarters into a craft village was the brainchild of local resident Mrs Leonie Willmott. The non profit community organisation was established in 1990.
Hear Yea! Hear Yea! The Medieval Festival in May 2006 was an outstanding success with archery tournaments, axe and sword battles, medieval music, dancers and more. Mark your calendar for the next one on the last weekend in May 2008 !
Alternate Highway One,
(200m north of the Maritime Museum), Whyalla Phone (08) 8645 4656