Exploring Australia


Welcome to our Art Gallery located just north of Whyalla Post Office

Showcasing paintings of local and visiting artists. Most paintings are for sale.

The talented artists have many different styles. Many are scenes around Whyalla.
Sometimes you may find artists at work.

The Gallery is open every day –
    Mon to Fri 10-4, Sat & Sun 2-4
or by arrangement–
    Phone 8645 9583 or 8649 3499

Interested persons are always welcome
A regular group gather at the gallery every Saturday to paint and draw and discuss their next outing to paint the local scenery.

Art classes are held Tuesdays 1.30-3.30pm
You'll receive help and advice on colour mixing, perspectives etc.

EVENTS 2009    
Autumn Exhibition  Open from 7.30pm Fri 1st May, official opening 8pm by Craig Treloar, editor Whyalla News, supper and refreshments.  Runs until Sun May 10th.  Gold coin entry appreciated.

The Biggest Morning Tea  Thursday 28th from 10am. Come along and support the Cancer Council of South Australia.

South Australian Living Artists Festival  Exhibition 7th – 23rd August of paintings on canvas. Paintings to be donated to Florey Foundation Auction in Adelaide on 9th Sept.

Spring Exhibition Open night Fri 23rd Oct, from 7.30 pm, official opening 8pm, supper and refreshments. Runs until Sun 1st Nov.

All held at Darling Terrace Gallery, Whyalla  Contact person: Viv Liddicoat, secretary      Ph: 08 8645 4461

The Whyalla Art Group is community focussed and participates in community events throughout the year in and around Whyalla.  New members welcome

5 Darling Terrace, Whyalla
  (just north of Post Office)
Phone    (08) 8645 9583
   or         (08) 8649 3499