Tourist Information Distributors Australia
Tourist Information Distributors Australia
Sea to Outback
Exploring the Eyre Highway. Across the Nullarbor


The New WHYALLA HOTEL has been redeveloped, with style and finesse, sparing no expense for comfort with the latest furnishings and fittings.

It came as no surprise to locals that the hotel won "Best Hotel Redelopment Country" as well as "Best Bar Presentation and Service".

Friendly staff offer good service, so your visit will be memorable-
 *Gaming Lounge
 *Bars and Night Time Entertainment
 *Sports Bar, TAB, Keno

The hotel welcomes families and it's a good place to catch up with friends. You can have coffee and cake and meals are very affordable.

There are extensive outdoor paved and grassed areas.
 *Sam’s Cafe and Bistro,
 *Alfresco Dining and BBQ
 *Children’s playground

The Liquor Works is worth a visit. You are welcome to browse the extensive store where there are hundreds of bottles of quality Australian wines as well as beers and a large range of mixed drinks. 
There is  a drive through section for your convenience.

10 Gowrie Avenue, Whyalla Playford
Phone (08) 8645 8955  Fax (08) 8645 1611