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Cowell and Lucky Bay

The Jade Province

Franklin Harbour, where Cowell now stands, was sighted by Captain Matthew Flinders in 1802.

The township was named by Governor Gawler in 1840 to honour Sir John Franklin (who was at that time Governor of Tasmania). Sir John had sailed with Flinders in 1802.

Cowell was first settled about 12 years after explorer Edward Eyre's journey through the hills nearby.

It was these hills that Jade deposits  were discovered in 1965. This rare stone has become the district's claim to fame - very few places in the world have similar deposits. Jade is processed locally into fine jewellery and artefacts.

The calm waters of the harbour and the variety of fish caught makes Cowell one of the best destinations on the Eyre Peninsula.

In recent times oyster farming has been established to complement the long standing fishing and farming industries.

Cowell is a tranquil township offering all of today's services and amenities.

Lucky Bay
Just 15kms north of Cowell, Lucky Bay has gained prominence in recent times as the ferry service demarkation point between Lucky Bay on the Eyre Peninsula and  Wallaroo on Yorke Peninsula. It arrives and departs several times a day.
Lucky Bay is a favourite holiday spot with sandy beaches, safe for children and great for fishing and relaxing.  There are a number of holiday houses here that are well patronised in the holidays and the kiosk is open during holidays.

Point Gibbon
Port Gibbon is 20 kms south of Cowell. The coastline around Point Gibbon icoastline is very scenic with a backdrop of massive sand dunes. For many years  Port gGbbon was a bustling seaport, an important link in shipping grain. A scenic drive meanders along the coastline with interpretive signage. A viewing platform overlooks the oyster farms old site. Today there ares beautiful, with the pretty landscape backed by large sand dunes.

Poverty Beach
Poverty beach, renowned for it surf can be found between Cowell and Arno Bay. Turn off the Lincoln Highway onto Boundary Road.

Cowell Museum

Cowell Jade

Lucky Bau