The Davenport Ranges are rugged with a quiet beauty. Whistleduck Creek and the Old Police Station Waterhole are open to visitors and there is interpretive signage.
The Old Police Station Waterhole is extensive and may be reached via Kurundi/ Epenara (high clearance 4WD vehicle required) or alternatively via the Taylor's Creek track (4WD vehicle required).
It is the first National Park in the Davenport and Murchison Ranges in the Barkly Tablelands.
The Davenport Ranges National Park (Iytwellepenty) encompasses 1120 square kms of the Davenport Range, and is bordered by Elkedra, Kurundi, Murray Downs, and Singleton Stations and the Anurrete Aboriginal Land Trust.
The Park is subject to flooding during the hotter months (December to March). To check road / weather conditions, phone Ali Curung Police Station on (08) 89641959.