Tourist Information Distributors Australia
Tourist Information Distributors Australia
Exploring Adelaide

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Norton Summit Adelaide Hills

In the Adelaide Hills

Norton Summit is a pleasant village in the Adelaide Hills, located approximately 12km east of the city. The town is named after Robert Norton, who arrived in South Australia in the early days of the colony. The area is renowned for its fine cherries.

St. John's Church, one of the oldest churches in the Adelaide Hills is a landmark overlooking the town.

The Playford family are the most famous residents of the area. In particular Sir Thomas Playford, South Australian premier, was a great South Australian stateman and instigated the Leigh Creek Coalfields that still supplies the power to light South Australia. He was the longest serving premier (29 years) the state has known. His statue takes pride of place in the town. His grandfather, Reverend Thomas Playford, a Waterloo veteran turned preacher, settled in the area in 1840s. Reverend Playford's son, Thomas Playford II and great-grandson Thomas Playford IIV) both became Premiers of South Australia.

Sir Thomas Playford Park

St John's Church